Fluid Research
Fluid Research produces resin mixing solutions for your dispensing equipment needs. Fluid Research is a leader in the design and manufacture of precision single component dispensing and multiple component metering, mixing and dispensing equipment for paste and liquid resin systems. With a broad understanding for processing materials that include polyurethanes, silicones, epoxies, etc. – Fluid Research ensures the equipment they manufacture will fit your dispensing application purpose for many years to come. They offer a wide range of products ranging from Electric and Pneumatic Metering Piston Pumps to Custom and Standard XYZ System Cartesian Robots.
VersaMix® Changing the Game in 2K Meter Mixing
The VersaMix® meter mix system is designed to simplify two component dispensing with a versatile, highly engineered design. This dual servo-driven, variable ratio system offers ultimate control of shot size and volume with repeatable results across materials.
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