Fisnar MV-0180SS Micro-Shot Valve Stainless Steel

Part number: MV-0180SS
Fisnar MV-0180SS Micro-Shot Valve Stainless Steel

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Fisnar MV-0180SS Micro-Shot 303 Stainless Steel body Valve is designed for precision dispensing of all types of fluids from micro shots to moderate sized beads and dots. Its lightweight pencil-type grip makes the valve suitable for either hand-held of automatic applications.

Fisnar MV-0180SS Micro-Shot 303 Stainless Steel body Valve is designed for precision dispensing of all types of fluids from micro shots to moderate sized beads and dots. Its lightweight pencil-type grip makes the valve suitable for either hand-held of automatic applications.
Typical Use: Valve used in liquid dispensing.
Dispensing Valve Type: Needle


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